2020東京奧運中華台北代表隊 主視覺形象設計正式曝光
展現運動員絕對壓抑 / 勝利吶喊的一刻瞬間
2020年因應全球新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情持續升高,國際奧會主席 Thomas Bach 與日本安倍晉三首相,在3月24日召開緊急會議後隨即發布聯合聲明,決議將原訂2020年暑假的東京奧運延至 2021年7月23日至8月8日舉行。
全球雖籠罩在疫情之下,影響運動賽事的舉行,但初心與不變的運動家精神,卻始終是運動員不會改變的職業目標。這次在中華奧林匹克委員會委任下,由王家玄博士(臺灣模特兒教育發展協會理事長)擔任東京奧運中華代表團形象總顧問與知名舞蹈藝術家KIMIKO擔任東京奧運中華代表團視覺形象顧問,帶領KIMIKO® studio負責整體視覺形象統籌策劃,結合業界一線團隊雙好設計,並聯手中華奧會,共同為東京奧運中華代表隊參與的10個奧運項目及10位代表選手:文姿云(空手道)、王子維(羽球)、王冠閎(游泳)、吳佳穎(射擊)、李智凱(體操)、林昀儒(桌球)、林郁婷(拳擊)、郭婞淳(舉重)、雷千瑩(射箭)、鄭兆村(田徑)(依姓氏筆畫排序),量身打造最特別並符合奧運精神之視覺形象。
KIMIKO® studio
【無盡壓抑】創意發想人 KIMIKO 以運動員「長期無止盡的壓抑」與迎接「勝利時刻的吶喊」,作為本次兩大視覺概念主軸。其理念源自於因為運動員常處於高張壓力型態,尤其是奧運層級之運動選手,更需面對多元壓力情境。加上由於今年疫情關係雙重影響下,讓運動員所承受多面向之壓力來源倍感沈重,這些均是一般人無法理解之處。KIMIKO® studio花了大約近半年時間,將十位運動員近年來相關個人平面與影片之動作型態資料,進行專業數據分析與比對,以找出每位運動員最適合拍攝動作屬性與角度。另外,為了傳達出每位運動員畫面之最佳視覺效果,王家玄博士在過程中不斷修正動作角度與型態,並依據不同運動動作型態之力學原理與各肌群在結構使用上之特性相結合,目的就是讓每位不同運動員,均能發揮肢體呈現之張力,進而傳達出符合奧運精神之視覺型態。
【壓抑】視覺設計上,透過深厚濃烈的深紅與陰影,拍攝與設計團隊希望傳達出運動員在一生沉潛並等待爆發的時間軸上,不分項目、不分性別、不分文化背景的共通精神 - 壓抑,吳恩均透過寫實厚重的視覺呈現,將運動員的暗部細節強化,希望透過這組系列視覺,讓大家不只能為勝利歡呼,更能感受到每位運動員不為人知的鍛鍊與長時間醞釀的爆發力
【吶喊】「在吶喊的主視覺設計上,我們希望透過運動場上的線性指標,並化為運動員的顯目識別,這不僅是他們發揮天分的場域,更是他們體會賽前孤獨、賽時滿場歡呼的場景。」雙好設計2byWu&Chen 的吳恩均,透過國旗色的紅、藍、白,深刻勾勒運動員每一次奪標時的光鮮與興奮之情;「特別在執行攝影光源時,我希望能展現每一位運動員的動感與力量,捕抓他們在場上贏得榮耀的那個完美瞬間。」攝影師三角也以俐落的光源佈局,深刻呈現出10位運動員不分項目,但一樣深具張力的勝利神情。藉由這次視覺形象發想與畫面,呈現每一位運動員面對競技運動的真實心境,並期待國人有機會更加瞭解並同理臺灣專業運動員現況,並能齊心為這些優秀運動員進軍 2020 東京奧運殿堂一同加油。
The official revealing of the primary visual design for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Chinese Taipei team
Showing the endless constraint and the release when victory arrives
In response to the global COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Games, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan issued a joint statement immediately after the emergency meeting on March 24, postponing the Tokyo Olympics from the summer of 2020, to July 23th to August 8th, 2021.
Although the world is shrouded by the uncertainty of the epidemic, affecting the holding of sports events. However, unchanging sportsmanship will always be the goal of professional athletes. Under the Chinese Olympic Committee appointment, Dr. Wang Jiaxuan (President of Taiwan Modeling and Education Development Association) served as the general counsel of the image for the Tokyo Olympics. And KIMIKO, a well-known dance artist, KIMIKO® studio, served as the visual image consultant. Along with 2 by Wu&Chen, a distinguished team in the design industry, they are jointly responsible for the planning of the overall visual image for 10 Olympic categories and 10 representative players of the Taiwan Tokyo Olympic team: Wen Ziyun (Karate), Wang Ziwei (Badminton) ), Wang Guanhong (Swimming), Wu Jiaying (Shooting), Li Zhikai (Gymnastics), Lin Yunru (Table tennis), Lin Yuting (Boxing), Guo Weichun (Weightlifting), Lei Qianying (Archery), Zheng Zhaocun (Track and field) (Arranged according to stroke order of surnames), tailor-making visual images that are most in line with the Olympic spirit.
KIMIKO studio
Professor Wang Jiaxuan and KIMIKO were professional competitive athletes (basketball players and ballet dancers). They also have many years of experience in cross-border modeling, performing arts, and professional dance training. Therefore, they have a proficient understanding of the physical situation and artistic aesthetics for athletes. In terms of presentation, they are very familiar and have unique insights. Hopefully, through the visual design, the national team's two main visuals, the "endless constraint" of the competitive athlete and the “tears of victory" at the winning moment, will show the reality of the mood change of each competitive athlete before and after the contest.
【Endless Constraint】Creative director KIMIKO uses the ideals of "endless constraint" and "victory cry" of athletes as the two main visual concepts. The idea stems from the fact that athletes are often in high tension stress, especially Olympic-level athletes, who need to face multiple stress situations. Due to the impact of this year’s epidemic, the multi-faceted sources of pressure on athletes have become more massive. These are things that ordinary people cannot understand. KIMIKO studio has spent about half a year analyzing and comparing the ten athletes' movement patterns in photos and videos in recent years to find out the attributes and angles of each athlete that are most suitable for shooting. Also, to convey each athlete's best visual effect, Dr. Wang Jiaxuan constantly revised the combinations of the angle, shape of the actions in the process, and mechanics of different motion patterns, with the characteristics of each muscle group in the use of structure. Therefore, helping each athlete exert the physical presentation's tension and then convey the visual form in line with the Olympic spirit.
【Tears of Victory】Because athletes usually receive long-term intensive, regular, and high-intensity training to achieve good results in the competition. KIMIKO specially designed the athlete's reaction at the moment of victory as a personal signature action. Therefore freezing and amplifying precious moments between long-term suppression and when it is ultimately released. Letting that historical moment become eternal retention in the visual presentation.
2 by Wu&Chen
【Constraint】In terms of visual design, through the deep and robust crimson and shadows, the shooting and design team hope to convey the shared spirit of constraint among athletes, regardless of sport, gender, or cultural background, on the timeline where athletes spend their lives immersed and waiting for the breakthrough. Wu Enchun enhanced the dark details of the athletes through realistic and sober visual presentations. With hope, through this series of visuals, everyone can cheer for the victory and feel the long-term preparation and explosive power of each athlete.
【Tears】 “In the main visual design, we hope to use the linear indicators on the field and turn it into the obvious recognition of the athletes, not only the field where they display their talents, but also their experience of loneliness before the competition, and the crowded scene during the competition.” Wu Enchun of 2 by Wu&Chen remarked. Through the red, blue, and white of the national flag, deeply outlining the brilliance and excitement of the athletes every time they win. “Especially when implementing the photography light source, I hope to show the dynamics and strength of each athlete and capture the perfect moment when they win gloriously.” The photographer also uses well placed light source layout to show the triumphant look of the 10 athletes regardless of their categories.
Through this visual imagery and images, every athlete's real mood in the face of competitive sports is shown. And by seeing these, the people of Taiwan will have the opportunity to better understand and empathize with professional athletes' current situation in Taiwan. And to cheer for these outstanding athletes when they enter the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Client /
KIMIKO® studio
Photographer / Mr. Triangle 三角
Role /
Visual Design
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